The benefits & uses of Ginger essential oil

Ginger is Earthy, woodsy, and warmly aromatic, has been used for more than 5000 years by many cultures as a systemic tonic to balance hormones, enhance energy, improve digestion, reduce morning and travel sickness, reduce inflammation, aid in circulation (rubefacient) and boost immunity.

To be honest is not my cup of tea but I became friends with Ginger knowing all the benefits and learning how to blend it. 

In traditional medicine Ginger is used in any condition where the body is not coping effectively with moisture whether the moisture originates within the body or outside. Diarrhoea and catarrh are examples of inability to deal with moisture of internal origin while rheumatism and many of our winter ailments aggravated by external damp are from external origin, and the fiery properties of ginger are used to combat this.

Many people smelling Ginger essential oil for the first time are surprised, and even disappointed because it does not smell like the dried or preserved ginger we use to bake cakes. In fact, it smells almost identical to the green or fresh root ginger, because the oil is produced by steam distillation of the dried, unpeeled, ground rhizomes. 


Lets share the therapeutic benefits and how can we use Ginger for warmth: 

Ø  Immune system:   it’s an anti-viral and immunostimulant agent, it’s recommended to treat the onset of colds and flu. it has shown to stimulate both T lymphocytes and cell mediated immunity. However, is less useful once the infection has set in and becomes bacterial. You can use fresh ginger in an infusion: cut 6 thin slices from the ginger root, and simmer for about 10 minutes. Add a little bit of honey for a pleasant drink very preventative against winter ailments. Just add the honey once the temperature of the water allows you to put your finger in it. Otherwise you burn the honey and you’re just having sugar 

Ø  Assists with Respiratory Relief: It has a warming and stimulating effect on the lungs, ideal for catarrhal conditions, coughs, sinusitis and sore throats. Ginger oil suppresses coughs, and has an expectorant action on the bronchi and the lungs. For the relief of colds and flu associated with bronchial congestion consider blending ginger with eucalyptus, lemon, peppermint tea tree and rosemary. 

Inhale directly from the bottle. This is one of the best ways to get Ginger into your bloodstream. Inhaling essential oils can work very quickly and much more efficiently than oral remedies because of this direct olfactory pathway to specific areas of the brain. From when you first inhale the oil to the corresponding brain trigger and gland secretion is less than a few seconds. You can buy nasal inhalers from amazon and add a few drops of ginger and Eucalyptus, or Lemon, or Peppermint or rosemary. Carry it with you and take deep breaths along the day. Or diffuse it at night alone or with eucalyptus, lemon, lavender. The infusion, and 1 drop of essential oil can be used as a gargle for sore throats.

Improves Cardiovascular Health: it is a circulatory stimulant and a tonic of the heart, good for poor circulation, cold hands and feet. Rub Ginger essential oil at the bottom of the feet before going out to keep your feet warm. Take deep breaths from what is left in your hands, rub them and you are ready to face the cold. It will evaporate so do not worry, you won’t have sticky hands. If you are really congested remember to put a drop of Eucalyptus or Peppermint in your facemask. 


Ø  Digestive: for indigestion, flatulence, nausea and chronic gastritis. It helps stimulate the production of bile from the liver. It should be blended with Roman Chamomile and Sweet Orange to relieve travel and morning sickness. Another effective blend is with Cardamom, coriander or peppermint. Nausea and vomiting “decreased considerably” in the first six hours after inhalation of ginger essential oil. You can use diffuse in the car, using a car diffuser or tubing your hands in front of the heating fan and your car will soon smell delicious and you help your kids and yourself if you suffer from motion sickness. Ginger and orange is also amazing to uplift mood during school runs.

Ø  Reduces Inflammation: Many studies exist attesting to ginger’s anti-inflammatory properties.  Good for rheumatism, arthritis, muscular pain of a cold contracting type. Zingerone (one of the chemical compounds) has multiple protective benefits in reducing the cartilage degradation associated with osteoarthritis. For the relief of muscular aches and pains consider blending Ginger with Black Pepper, Peppermint and Rosemary. Use an organic carrier oil like jojoba, almond, coconut, or olive oil from the kitchen to dilute the ginger essential oil, massage into the muscles, and/or sore joints.  Go for a low dilution, like 4 drops in a tbsp. of olive oil. It’s rubefacient, so it brings warmth but in high concentrations may irritate the skin. Bath or foot bath: add 7 drops to a cup of Epsom salts ideal for sore muscles and help to draw the toxins out. 

From the emotional point of view Ginger promotes motivation, courage, and self-confidence. Stimulates the mind and boosts inner strength to carry on. Rub one to two drops of ginger oil over the heart (diluted if you have very sensitive skin) and you are ready to face the world and the cold. 

Always make sure to use an organic, high-quality essential oil from trusted sources and suppliers, otherwise you will not get the therapeutic benefits

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